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How to pitch your design as a freelancer

Kategorie: Blog
Read Time: 2 mins
Zobrazení: 73

Creatives have different tips and tricks for pitching a design to a client. While a list of the do’s and don’ts would be nice, most freelancers are discovering best practices through experience. 

Solidify your contract

Many web designers, after some experience with clients, start to realize what works and what doesn’t. Evynne has discovered all of this and more over the last few years, and was eager to share her stories, tips, and all the advice you could want!

  1. Solidify your contract
  2. Set expectations
  3. Find an environment that you work best in
  4. Communicate, communicate, communicate

Set expectations

Every client is different in how they communicate or when they expect work to be done. It’s important to set expectations with each and every client about your process and also, what their expectations for you are. 

Find an environment that you work best in

Make sure they’re comfortable with the communication process, be as thorough as possible, and always be able to give a reason for every design decision you make.

Freelancers have the freedom of choosing where they want to work, whether that’s a couch, a coffee shop, or even on the beach while on vacation. With freedom comes responsibility. Find a place where you know you can avoid distractions, can be productive, and most importantly can stay inspired!